Today I stumbled accross a nice tutorial video (1 min 39 secs long) on how to use MS-Excel 2007 to make a timeline depicting a series of historical events. The output it makes would be great as a handouts to students in class or via distance, and what I love best about this tutorial is that it really walks you through step-by-step. So if you have never used Excel before you can still accomplish this task easily.
The tuorial video as well as the associated text-based instructions are produced by Microsoft Education. If you have never visited their site, it's worth it. They have a fantastic page that lists all their how-to articles pertaining to several of their software programs including Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Publisher and Windows Live Movie Maker. The topics are quite varried and some other good articles include developing an interactive story in PPT and creating a class newspaper in Publisher.
This is just brilliant! I'm going to use it during one of my lectures next month. Thanks!
I think its a great work done.
I just learned how to do this a few days ago myself, and I have considered myself an "expert" in what MS Office could do for many years.
I found this and SO many other techniques when I discovered a game called Ribbon Hero. It's an interactive group of lessons in Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and One Note, with increasing levels of difficulty. I have been learning so many great techniques I had never heard of! Standard disclaimer: I am in no way compensated for this - you can find it at
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