Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Habits of Mind

My brother is a grade school teacher in Toronto. He recently sent a website my way that describes 16 Habits of Mind; where a Habit of Mind is defined as contributing toward "knowing how to behave intelligently when you DON'T know the answer."

I encourage everyone to read the summary of the Habits of Mind concept. Aside from the insightful quotes found in this document, I really found that the information rings true based on my experience in personal, work and educational settings.

How do you feel personally about these 16 Habits of Mind? Which ring true for you? Which do not? Any thoughts? Please leave a comment by clicking 'comments' below, if you have the time.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Ok, we all know what YouTube is and today I learned about TeacherTube. Basically, it's YouTube for education. It has a wide variety of videos that are useful to educational practisioners and students alike. Some of the types of videos you will see there include tutorials on software tools, presentations on education (alternate link), lessons on how to add fractions, and thought provoking videos on a historical concept. TeacherTube hosts many interesting video clips and there is likely something for everyone. Despite some bandwidth and downloading slowness that I experienced while using the site, I still give big kudos to TeacherTube. Keep going.